Albatross | Pain au Chocolat


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Albatross Bakery's signature laminated croissant dough wrapped around 2 sticks of wonderfully rich and sharp Mayan Red chocolate from Xoco.

The dough is a blend of local and Italian wheat and spelt, leavened with yeast and sourdough, and the butter we use is really good local stuff, from Gläserne Molkerei, for the flakiest, meltiest pastries.

The chocolate is high-quality, 62% cocoa from Xoco, with notes of red currants, cherries and plums, giving a delightfully moreish tang.

This flakey, buttery pastry is a personal favourite for us here at Archipel that we look forward to (almost) every morning.


Supplied by Albatross Bakery, Graefestr.